July 22, 2009

day 247

and i thought where the wild things are looked creepy...
the first official trailer for tim burton's take on the disney classic alice in wonderland has just hit the internets and let's just say this is a "what the eff?" moment. burton is well known for his "darker" take on traditional tales, but this just looks plain creepy. if i were a child - based solely on this preview - i don't think i'd be able to sleep for days. johnny depp (burton's muse for some odd reason) looks completely crazy as the mad hatter - which i guess in a way is fitting - but shouldn't the mad hatter provide comic relief? not induce nightmares? i don't see one joke coming out of this movie. hopefully more previews will come out between now and march that might change my mind, but i'm unsure. not even anne hathaway's involvement is a big enough draw to torture myself. check out the wacky wonderland trailer above.

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