August 3, 2009

day 259

just a thought...
it's been a while since i did a "just a thought..." piece, so here we go. disney, i really don't know that it's necessary to make your stars do every and anything. not all of them are as talented in all aspects as others. for example, let's listen to the latest musical offerings of selena gomez. i'm all for selena acting; i actually think she has talent and will have longevity as an actress. but, because she's part of the mouse-house machine, gomez is now also a "musician." other disney stars - like miley cyrus and demi lovato - were originally brought to disney because singer/actor combos were necessary for the projects (hannah montana and camp rock). therefore, it's understandable that they would put out records while continuing to act. however, selena gomez was brought to disney because she can act. hell, it took two failed different pilots (one a spin-off of lizzie mcguire, another a spin-off of zack and cody) before a vehicle - wizards of waverly place - was chosen for selena. obviously the company had faith in her acting abilities and wasn't looking for a singer. they're very much turning selena into a hilary duff; she acts and kind of sings. it's one thing to be able to carry a tune, which selena obviously can, but another to be a singer. demi lovato definitely has some singing chops (though they might be a big rough) and miley is...well, she's just being miley and is disney's major cash cow so there's no explaining her other than she's a phenomenon. to drive home the hilary duff comparison, selena was even cast as hilary's successor in the cinderella story franchise. plus, selena's song kind of seem like demi's cast-offs; not-quite-moody-enough tween pop-rock up tempo ballad-ish things. why stretch one star so thin when there are plenty of other talented artists out there? i understand that disney basically used hilary duff like a guinea pig (and pretty much effed up raven's career) and struck gold with miley, but not everyone is going to fill that mold. get some musical artists on hollywood records that aren't necessarily actors/only promoted on disney. doesn't it seem weird that no one on hollywood records ever gets airplay on a station other than radio disney? it seems like disney could make even more money if they had an artist who was successful without having to be a disney darling. hell, even the one act they had - the jonas brothers - were forced into their own sitcom and, let's all face it, are headed towards some sort of dissolution post-kevin jonas marriage. isn't it creepy that a married 20something is playing a high schooler on a children's program? it's one thing on the cw, but disney should actually use teens. just a thought.

oh, and i feel bad for brenda song. she's been with disney since, let's face it, she was a fetus and they gave her the crapiest role on their crapiest sitcom. and no record deal!

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