February 19, 2010

day 2.93

tiger "apologizes"
tiger woods held a press conference this morning to apologize for his ... indiscretions? needless to say, it wasn't that great. first and foremost, it's been three months since thanksgiving when the "incident" happened. three months! how has this been news this long first of all? second of all, what took so long? the speech, which you can watch above, was super rehearsed and i highly doubt he wrote it himself. it came off really insincere, which was not his intention - he blamed fame and money for his problems. boo hoo. i'm just glad his wife, elin, didn't show up. it's always the worst when you see the wives standing behind their husbands. tiger's mom, on the other hand, was there to support him. they had an awkward, forced hug at the end. it was like at a wedding when you don't really know the bride and groom but they still want to hug you. he also said "a lot of people don't know this, but i was raised buddhist." ok, that's relevant because? oh, tiger. woods is set to head back into sex rehab and will most likely make his golf re-debut later this year. won't that be fun. i hope one of his mistresses gets a job reporting for the golf network.

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