October 25, 2010

day 2.326

the city, 2008-2010
it's time to add another headstone to the tv graveyard. whitney port confirmed to ryan seacrest this morning that mtv pulled the plug on the hills spin-off, with no plans to continue the series in any way, shape or form. i can't say that i'm surprised - i had my suspicions at the end of the summer when port tweeted that she was now a homeowner in l.a. you can't exactly be in a show about life in new york if you live in l.a...well, unless it's a sitcom. the series never had the draw of its predecessor and, with lauren conrad's exit from the hills, time-slot companion the city took a big dip in the ratings. i didn't watch the city nearly as religiously as i did the hills in its heyday (i watched only the first and last episodes of the final season sans lc), but what i did see in the city's final season seemed promising - they were actually showing port's somewhat real life. they weren't hiding the fact that she was a designer, just the fact that she was famous. but let's be honest, the real star of the city was kelly cutrone and when she got her own show, kell on earth, on bravo, there was even less of a reason to watch the show. i do expect port to pop up on lauren conrad's new mtv series, which started filming this month.

i can't get this out of my head...
"hey, everybody! did you hear the news?"

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