November 27, 2011

day 3.344

what i love (this week)

the song
i found tessa and the typecast's "hold on 'til morning" where i find all my music, in an ad. it's the perfect summer-sounding song to get you through this intro-to-winter weather everyone but california seems to be experiencing now.

the show
i know we won't get to see the full kim and kris fallout, but i can't resist. i watched the kardashian empire rise and i'll watch it fall.

the movie
it's the one movie i saw in the last week that didn't include in my mass review yesterday, so ... here it is? it's the best looking of the saga- director bill condon isn't in to the whole shaky cam, dark and dreary look that the previous directors adopted.

the look book(s)
this week i'm bringing back the books. it's been a while since i've reviewed a recent read and that's because, well, i haven't read recently. but this week, copious amounts of travel time let me knock out two great reads (and, fyi, both will make great gifts). first, mindy kaling's is everyone hanging out without me (and other concerns). i love a good title, especially one i can relate to- this is a question i ask myself all the time- is sure to reel me in. the promise of laughs? even better. kaling, who you might know as kelly kapoor from the office, offers life highlights, starting with her life as a chubby androgynous suburban kid to popular-girl-in-her-head to struggling artist to the fame and fortune of hollywood. it'll have you laughing from cover to cover, with plenty of relatable stories and insight into the office you never knew you needed.

robert rave's conversations and cosmopolitans, co-written by his mom, jane, is another hard-to-put-down read. i've raved (pun fully intended) about rave's fictional works spin and waxed before, but this book's a little different. c&c is a memoir following rave's relationship with his mom post-childhood. it all begins with rave finally coming out to his mom and weaves through the duo's strengthened bond as they navigate weight watchers meetings, new york nightlife and life's little miseries together, all with a side of snark and loving humor. if you have a mom, or know someone who has a mom (that means everyone if you didn't catch on), this is a must-read.

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