March 25, 2009

day 128

barbara says bye bye to broadcast
legendary broadcaster barbara walters is said to be hanging up her microphone when her contract with abc ends this summer. the 79 year old tv vet has been coming into people's living rooms since the early 60s, when she got her start on nbc's today show.  why take the plunge now? walters believes she's done anything and everything and there's nothing new for her to explore; she doesn't want to waste her last years interviewing the nobodies who pass for celebrities today.  hmm...i would just say babs is out of touch.  plus, it's time for her to retire.  with the exception of her oscars special, barbara isn't really a force in the industry anymore.  the broadcasting brand has to move beyond barbara.  and i'm sure the alphabet net will be happy to invite her back if she wanted to do a special every now and again.  plus, she'll probably stay on as executive producer of the view (as well as popping up from time to time as a cohost).  most people don't work into their eighties, so why should babs?  she needs to retire and take some time to explore the world without working. 

seems to be a one story week. sorry kiddos.

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