March 27, 2011

day 3.07

what i love (this week)
i've been thinking of ways to expand my blog lately - if you've haven't noticed, it seems like my posts are getting a little shorter (it's a time thing). it's also hard to find something i'm passionate enough about to write about every day. so i'm adding this weekly segment, what i'm calling "what i love (this week)." every sunday, i'll post the song, the tv show, the movie and the fashion fad i'm loving for the week - and probably some things i'm over, too. here's what i'm loving (this week), let me know what you think.

the song
i know it's wrong, but i can't help it. selena gomez (and the un-seen scene) keep releasing catchy singles, which the radio stations keep playing. it's mindless. it's spring-y. who says i can't like "who says?"

the movie
the reason i have such a huge dvd collection - number in the hundreds? - is so i never get bored. i tend to fall in love with movies when i see them; and then i feel the urge to buy them. divine sisters of the yaya sisterhood was an impulse purchase sometime in my early teens and i just rediscovered it. probably where my crush on sandra bullock started.

tv show
so there was a marathon of season 25: oprah behind the scenes on this weekend. so i watched all 10 hours. and i'm not ashamed. as someone who can't wait to brake into the tv industry, this show is like crack for me. an addiction i never want to treat - sadly, i'll have to when the end of the oprah winfrey show brings the end of season 25: oprah behind the scenes with it.

the look

she's still mixing both good girl and bad girl. i think i like good girl (vogue) better.

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