March 29, 2011

day 3.109

she tried?
abc's good morning america played the pre-recorded britney spears performance filmed this weekend in san francisco today and ... well ... she's still performing! brit's latest album (femme fatale, out today) is wall-to-wall dance track, falling somewhere in between in the zone and blackout. but britney's not really dancing, which got a lot of people talking - if you google "britney spears" and "dancing," you're bound to find a lot of criticism. so i did some investigative bloggering (meaning i watched her entire videography on her vevo page), and guess what i found? she never really danced. while we've all come to think of britney as a dancer after stand-out vma performance after stand-out vma performance (minus 2007's "gimme more" performance), i guess we all assumed she could really dance. but if you go back and watch those performances, she just has really good stage presence and really good back-up dancers. she's never done anything especially complicated or game changing. check out the full gma performance above, and cut the girl some slack.

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