if you loved (or even just tolerated) the devil wears prada, i suggest you check out spin by robert rave. spin hit shelves last august and i wanted to read it as soon as it was released because every review i had read about it had praised it as "the devil wears prada for guys." now that i finally got the chance to check the book out, i can say those reviews i read did not disappoint. spin tells the story of taylor green, a recent midwestern college grad who moves to nyc in order to find himself. it takes green falling into a job as a publicist for one of nyc's biggest power players, jennie weinstein. the story follows taylor's trials and tribulations as jennie's, well, bitch. the novel is actually a roman a clef (that means fictionalized reality people) about author robert rave's time working with former nyc pr queen lizzie grubman, who you might remember from her short-lived mtv series power girls.

isn't she a beaut? much like the devil wears prada's miranda priestly "exposed" on vogue's anna wintour, spin's jennie reveals what all goes on behind the doors of lizzie grubman p.r. the whole time i was reading the book, i assumed it was about lizzie. my speculation was confirmed in the book's final chapter when *spoiler* jennie purposefully drives her car into a hamptons-esque restaurant. lizzie grubman famously drove her suv into a party in the hamptons. click. although, grubman denies the novel is more than pure fiction and not about her and rave hasn't confirmed or denied who jennie really is.
definitely check the book out if you want a quick read that is laugh out loud funny. it's filled with sarcastic wit and tongue-in-cheek references to the world of celebrity. and if you're a young adult interested in media industry, i think the book gives a pretty honest account of what it really takes to get what you want.
even before the novel was published, speculation about a movie version began. while i don't know if someone has the rights to the film, i can't wait until they make this. author rave publically backed zac efron in the role of taylor and i can totally see it. here are some promotional clips for the book that give you a glimpse of what a film version would look like.
rave is set to release his follow up novel, waxed, in early august. waxed follows the lives of the employees at a - you guessed it - upscale waxing salon that caters to the rich and famous. i'll probably make it my final summer read before i have to head back to the world of learning.
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