December 19, 2010

day 3.12

movie review mania: black swan
i'll sum up black swan in three words: bitch is crazy. or, wtf? or center stage meets showgirls meets a mental breakdown on crack. i knew going in to darren aronofsky's follow-up to 2008's the wrestler that it would at least have a hint of crazy, but sh*t went down. the flick follows nina, a determined ballerina who gets the chance of a lifetime when she's offered the role of the swan queen in "swan lake." the role - and the ocd-centered life nina has created - prove to be too much for the ballerina. the film follows the psychological and mental breakdown nina goes through as she attempts to find perfection. all the performances - especially natalie portman as nina, mila kunis' take as nina's biggest competition in the ballet company and barbara hershey as nina's overbearing mother - are spectacular, and aronofsky's vision is obvious (every moment seems completely planned out), but all the bizarre or shocking moments in the film are never explained. to be honest, i don't think i could explain black swan's plot twists to anyone - it's something you have to see for yourself. black swan didn't pass my "watch test" - i had to look a couple times - but it definitely kept me interested, even if i had to look away from the screen a few times.

movie review mania: burlesque
if you're looking for something that requires a little (ok, let's be honest, a lot) less thought, try burlesque. even though the movie has been out for about a month, it's still worth checking out. i can say that i was genuinely surprised at how entertaining it was - i was expecting a lot more camp and to laugh at a lot more moments that weren't intended to be funny. i found out that juno scribe diablo cody wrote the original script for burlesque, which helps explain the disconnect between really well written scenes and some of the film's beyond bad dialogue. it's not christina aguilera who is a bad actress, but bad material that aguilera tried too hard to make good...if that makes any sense. the soundtrack alone will make you leave the theater wanting more. the casting was spot on (though i might have switched kristen bell and julianne hough's roles) and everyone gives solid performances, especially christina aguilera's wig, which deserves a best supporting actress nom for making christina's hair look the best it ever had. like black swan, burlesque has elements of showgirls, but it's funny on purpose and serious when it counts.

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