britney spears's new music video, "circus," has leaked online today. click here to watch it. if this is anything like what her tour will be, i think concert-goers will be pleased. the only thing i don't understand is why the choreography looks so good on film and somewhat sloppy in person. i guess it could be editing, or that brit's more comfortable in the confines of a studio. who knows? the music video could also possibly be turned into a spears fragrance ad, as her perfume curious is featured in the opening moments. overall, the production value is good, but i still prefer the concept and styling of "womanizer" better.

aniston entertains
jennifer aniston hits the latest cover of entertainment weekly to discuss her new movie, marley and me, which hits theaters on christmas day. aniston addresses a lot of issues in the issue, including babies and brangelina. she finds all the baby rumors surrounding her funny, but annoying ; "it's almost going to take away the fun from actually being able to say one day, 'i'm pregnant!" says the star. and, as for the woman that broke up her marriage to mr. pitt, aniston says vogue blew her comment ("what angelina did was very uncool") out of proportion and that the move was very tabloid, but she's not holding a grudge. now only if aniston would drop john mayer and get pregnant with someone she can actually start a family with...maybe someone her own age? hollywood doesn't need another cougar.
more montag mag dramz
the new issue of us weekly features heidi montag's mother talking about how disappointed she is in the life track her daughter has chosen to take. darlene montag thinks spencer is taking over heidi's life and said she wouldn't even be surprised if he had drugged her in mexico in order to marry her. darlene's last straw with her daughter was heidi's skipping out on family thanksgiving in colorado this year in order to spend time with spencer in mexico. darlene is confident the marriage won't work out. i'm a little skeptical though; why would us play both sides of this story? wouldn't that make speidi annoyed at the tab? i would venture to guess darlene's cover story was part of the deal to put heidi and spencer on last week's cover.
sad news
mark ruffalo, a staple of romcoms like 13 going on 30 and just like heaven, and his family are standing by the bedside of mark's brother, scott, who was shot in the head earlier this week in hollywood. not much is known about the shooting and an investigation is underway.
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