gayken, two time baby daddy?

clay aiken and mother of his baby jaymes foster are apparently gearing up for a second baby. jaymes has started taking prenatal vitamins and is preparing to get turkey basted with clay's sperm. why, you ask? i don't know. these kids are going to have one effed up childhood - mommy and daddy were never married, raise you in separate homes, and never had sex. could you imagine having the "where do babies come from" convo with these kids? jaymes is set to get sperminated sometime in january...
j lo gets back to her romcom roots
jennifer lopez is set to head back to work on romantic comedy (thank baby jesus that she's done with the dramas!) called plan b. the film is about a single woman who gets artificially inseminated (jaymes foster?) the same day she meets her perfect man. no director has been named, but should be attached sometime in january, with shooting beginning in april or may. that means the movie should hit theaters sometime in early 2010. hopefully this will get j lo back to her heydey, when both the wedding planner and her cd were number 1.
ashlee simpson is probs real mad
pete wentz went on howard stern and spilt a lot of secrets about his and wife ashlee simpson's sex life. apparently ashlee and pete get quite freaky in the sheets, with ashlee letting pete go in the back door. wentz also spilled the deets on the couple's first time, which involved a mirror. wentz also talked about former flames michelle trachtenberg and lindsay lohan, but wouldn't rate them because he was afraid ashlee might get mad.
the office, post super bowl
nbc is set to air a special episode of the office after the 2009 super bowl. the episode will feature the cast trying to watch a bootleg copy of a new movie release at work...and the producers have nabbed some pretty big guest stars for the episode. both jack black and jessica alba have been tapped to star in the bootleg movie. the episode is called "stress relief" and will air directly after the american tradition, february 1st at 10:30/9:30 central on the peacock net.
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