kate walsh, former star of grey's anatomy and current star of the show's spin off private practice, and her husband have decided to part ways, just 17 months after tying the know. walsh's husband, alex young, filed for divorce right before thanksgiving, citing the ever so informative "irreconcilable differences." this is a strange and sudden occurrence as the actress and her man were spotted in early november all over las vegas showing plenty of public affection. the split is said to be amicable and the pair is supposedly still on speaking terms. hey, 17 months is like 17 years in hollywood....

lily and rufus, coming to a tv screen near you
while rumors that serena and dan's parents were going to get their own web series spin off of gossip girl chronicling the young lives of the two in nyc were squelched, with blair's maid deroda getting her own, the idea hasn't been phased out. in fact, it's gotten even bigger. the former web series idea will become gossip girl's spin off, with the "young" lily and rufus being introduced later in the season through a spin off. the show will follow the character's meeting and whirlwind romance set in the backdrop of 80s rock and roll nyc. looks like gg's producers are quite tricky...they made us all believe that someone would be leaving the original ship. but, instead, new actors will be cast in the roles. the only question i have is, if the show takes off, what happens when the characters catch up to their sister show's couterparts' ages? hmm...the network and bosses of the show are apparently knocking down these rumors, but they could also just be trying to keep the project hush-hush.
disney licensed to drive
miley cyrus will be hitting the roads of hollyhood as of today...but just with a learner's permit. miley got her permit almost a year later than she should of as she just turned 16. with her permit, cyrus can drive wherever she wants, as long as she is with a licensed driver 25 years or older. that means she cannot drive around with 20 year old boy toy/statutory rapist justin gaston.
carey-cannon baby?
mariah carey has recently tossed plans to go on a world tour, adding speculation to the idea that she and new hubby nick cannon are sperminated. carey recently had to fire designers and back up dancers who were planning on being gainfully employed by the high note songstress over the next couple of months. mimi was in desperate need of getting pregnant as she is pushing the 4-0 mark...maybe she and janet can raise their old age babies together.
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