real housewives get real

bravo's real housewives of new york city are not having the best of luck lately. newest cast member kelly bensimon was arrested at the beginning of the month for assaulting and punching her longtime boyfriend nick stefanov. bensimon's now ex didn't show up to his recent court date about the situation and, if he doesn't show to the rescheduled june hearing, the case will be dismissed. if he does show, kelly faces up to a year in jail. i smell spinoff for bravo! love-to-hate-her crazy woman alex mccord was recently let go from her position as a "visual merchandizer" (i don't know exactly what that entails) for victoria's secret and is on the search for a job, but can't quite seem to catch one because of her on-screen persona. and the third, and so far final, victim of this bad lick is countess luann de lesseps. lulu announced today that she and her husband, the count, will be splitting after 16 years of marriage after he recently admitted to being unfaithful to his fourth wife and mother of his children. does she still get to keep her title? that i don't know, but that could be a bit of a problem when her book on manners, class with countess, hits bookshelves later this year. hopefully the bravo series will catch all this drama for the next season, though it probably won't - they tend to only film in then summer. i wonder if luann's little announcement was made today just to see if viewership would increase for tonight's new ep.
just a thought...

why is miley cyrus, a 16 year old girl, on the latest cover of glamour? the magazine's mean readership is women in their mid 30s! i cannot imagine they're interested in the trials and tribulations of a disney starlet. but, whatever. as long as the magazine sells, it's all good. maybe glamour is trying to get more younger readers? the pics inside the mag look cute, but not women's mag worthy. if teen people were still around, i'd say this would be a better fit. i can't imagine glamour is the best marketing strategy for april 10th's hannah montana movie. why not teen mags? just to give you some context, the recent glamour cover girls have included katie holmes, fergie, and christina aguilera, who are much closer in age to the mag's readers, especially when the mag targets 18 year olds at the youngest...