three stooges on the big screen

some interesting casting choices have been made in order to bring the most famous comedy trio in history to a theater near you. sean penn, benicio del toro, and jim carrey are all attached to star as larry, moe, and curly respectively. the film has been 10 years in the works and is just now getting attention. the farrelly brothers, the guys behind there's something about mary and dumb and dumber, are backing the flick alongside mgm - their third choice behind columbia and warner bros. once contracts are finalized, cameras should start rolling this fall and the boys should hit the movies in the summer of 2010. i think jim carrey is the only casting choice that makes sense, though he will have to gain 40+ lbs to take on the role of chubby curly. why not just find a fat comedian? this will be interesting to see - can sean penn and benicio even be funny? sean was only funny in fast times, but he was high during that movie! i'll have to wait and see a trailer for the movie before i can make any decisions; but, knowing the farrelly bros, it'll probably be lol, gross out humor.
i'm tellin you people - it's a one story week!
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